Kevin Blackburn is associate professor at the National Institute of Education at Nanyang Technological University. Introduction 1. Lee Kuan Yew and Masculinist Memories of the Comfort Women 2. The Role of the Women of Singapore in the Sex Industry of the Japanese Military 3. Inside the Comfort Stations of Singapore 4. Korean and Indonesian Comfort Women in Singapore 5. The Comfort Women Returning to Live in Postwar Society 6. The Silence of the Local Comfort Women of Singapore 7. The Comfort Women of Singapore as 'Dark Heritage' Conclusion Bibliography Endnotes. Anmeldung Mein Konto Merkzettel 0. Toggle navigation alle Medien Bücher eBooks Hörbücher Medical Equipment. Erweiterte Suche. Ihr Warenkorb 0. Erstmals als Chat-Book mit KI-basierter Online-Anwendung! Aktuell Fachbuch-Bestseller Top Vorbesteller Geschenke Sonderangebote SPIEGEL-Bestseller gute Bücher. Services Gutscheine PremiumCard Newsletter WissensBox. Ärztliches Erfahrungswissen für die 20 wichtigsten Herkunftsländer - eBook jetzt herunterladen! Bewegend, ehrlich und urkomisch: die Fortsetzung von Hapes Lebensgeschichte. Zeitschriften Info Kontakt Services Zeitschriften Portal. B2B Service Bibliotheken Krankenhäuser Kanzleien Unternehmen Öffentliche Hand Open Access. Das passende Stethoskop finden:. Modelle Anatomische Modelle Somso-Modelle. Neu: Persönliche Odyssee durch die Pionierzeit des Internets. Verlagsprogramm Medizin Studium Medizin Praxis Heilpraktiker Veterinärmedizin Informatik Naturwiss. Lehmanns Media Über den Verlag Für Autoren Rezensionsexemplar? Verlagskontakte Open Access Repository. The Comfort Women of Singapore in History and Memory. Kevin Blackburn Autor. Infos Infos Autor Inhalt Produkt-Details Infos Autor Inhalt Produkt-Details. Offers a detailed examination of the sex industry serving the Japanese military during the wartime occupation of Singapore: the comfort stations, managers, procuresses, girls, and women who either volunteered or were forced into service and World War 2 Sex Slaves many cases sexual slavery. A balanced, sensitive study of the history of World War 2 Sex Slaves women in Singapore during World War II. The role of comfort women in the Japanese empire during World War II remains an important and emotional topic around the world. Most scholarship concentrates on Korean comfort women, with less on their counterparts in Japan, China, and Taiwan, and even less on Southeast Asia. That gap persists despite widespread knowledge of the elaborate series of comfort stations, or comfort houses, that were organized by the Japanese administration across Singapore during the Occupation from to So why, the author asks, did no former comfort women from Singapore come forward and tell their stories when others across Asia began to do publicly in the s? To understand this silence, this book offers a detailed examination of the sex industry serving the Japanese military during the wartime occupation of Singapore: the comfort stations, managers, procuresses, girls, and women who either volunteered or were forced into service and in many cases sexual slavery. Bringing great care, balance, and sensitivity to a difficult subject, Blackburn helps to fill an important gap in our understanding of this period. Erscheinungsdatum Mehr entdecken aus dem Bereich. Das deutsche Alibi. Acht Tage im Mai. Newsletter zum Thema. Kostenlos und Up-to-Date: Wir informieren Sie aktuell über Themenwelten. Sie befinden sich hier: Geschichte Allgemeine Geschichte bis
Forgotten Sex Slaves - Comfort Women in the Philippines
Forgotten Sex Slaves - Comfort Women in the Philippines - Films - home The Situation of Sexual Slavery in the Japanese Military during World War II. New York. Comfort Women: Sexual Slavery in the Japanese Military During World War II slaves subjected to repetitive rape and violence [this book] belongs in. Mischkowski, Gabriela (): Abducted, Raped, Enslaved. Sex in the Army | SpringerLinkThis book however which I found by accident was the experience of a young Chinese lady who was made to serve the desires of regular Japanese soldiers and the abuse she received was very rough. Navigation Find a journal Publish with us Track your research. Yamaguchi Tomomi. Diese können nicht deaktiviert werden, da Sie ansonsten nicht alle Anwendungen nutzen können. Rimmermann, Craig A.
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The Situation of Sexual Slavery in the Japanese Military during World War II. New York. A balanced, sensitive study of the history of comfort women in Singapore during World War II. “Comfort women” or ianfu is. Mischkowski, Gabriela (): Abducted, Raped, Enslaved. Comfort Women: Sexual Slavery in the Japanese Military During World War II slaves subjected to repetitive rape and violence [this book] belongs in. Frost, Daniel Schumacher and Edward Vickers (London und New York: Routledge, ), [4] Justin McCurry, “Former sex slaves reject Japan. sexual slavery.Tax calculation will be finalised at checkout Purchases are for personal use only. Kindle Direct Publishing Dein E-Book veröffentlichen. A Review of Prevalence and Associated Health Consequences in Veterans. Unable to display preview. München: DVA. B2B Service Bibliotheken Krankenhäuser Kanzleien Unternehmen Öffentliche Hand Open Access. Dies manifestiert sich in der Zusammenarbeit des Korea-Verbands mit mehreren deutschen Frauenrechtsverbänden oder Erinnerungsorten, wie der Mahn- und Gedenkstätte Ravensbrück, wo etwa an sexuelle Gewaltverbrechen deutscher Soldaten der Nazi-Zeit erinnert wird. Google Scholar Rastetter, Daniela : Sexualität und Herrschaft in Organisationen. Melden Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen. Jacobs, Ingeborg : Freiwild. This is one of the lesser known stories of WWII. Differential Outcomes Associated with Military and Civilian Sexual Assault. Besides Great Britain, Germany is home to the largest Korean diaspora in Europe. Individualized and Environmental Contexts. Benedict, Helen : Why Soldiers Rape. These issues figure prominently in the current Japanese focus on public memory and arguments about the teaching and writing of history and are central to efforts to transform Japanese ways of remembering the war. The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II. Alle Rezensionen ins Deutsche übersetzen. Weitere Informationen findet Sie in den "Cookie-Einstellungen". In: In These Times, Lautmann, Rüdiger : Soziologie der Sexualität. Washington, D. Koreakrieg und Gender. Google Scholar Bastian, Lisa D. Verlag: Columbia University Press , Google Scholar Benedict, Helen : The Private War of Women Soldiers.